About DocTools
DocTools provides professional templates and efficient tools in the form of add-ins and macros for Microsoft Word. In addition, DocTools provides consultancy within all areas related to Microsoft Word.
The overall objective is to help you:
The person behind

My name is Lene Fredborg. I established DocTools in 2006 based on my strong interest in developing useful and time-saving tools for Microsoft Word.
My experience with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visual Basic (VBA) programming has been gained through more than 25 years of working with document automation, document templates, document management, user documentation, etc. – previously in large IT companies and now in DocTools.
Microsoft MVP Award 17 times – 2008–2024
I have received the prestigious Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award (Microsoft Word) 17 times, 2008-2024. From Microsoft's description of the MVP Award:
"For more than three decades, the Microsoft MVP Award has been our way of saying Thanks! to outstanding community leaders. The contributions MVPs make to the community, ranging from speaking engagements, to social media posts, to writing books, and to helping others in online communities, have incredible impact."
For further details about my background, please refer to my profile on LinkedIn.
Most screenshots and videos on this website, including Word Macros & Tips and the Danish Word Blog, have been created using SnagIt and Camtasia from TechSmith.
Contact info
DocTools ApS
Linderupvej 11
DK-3600 Frederikssund
Phone: +45 25 21 73 74
VAT no. DK34485747
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